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Hello, in this post I will be sharing my current IT skills and experiences.

My interest in computing started at an early age and I was fortunate to have a laptop at home when I was just six years old. I quickly became familiar with Microsoft Word and Excel, and even experimented with PowerPoint, although at that time, computer-based presentations were not widely used in my country.

When I was 13, I watched some tutorials on YouTube on how to hack Wi-Fi passwords and managed to obtain my school's Wi-Fi password and iPad restriction code. Unfortunately, this resulted in a controversial situation where I was recognized for my technical abilities but also punished for being unethical and causing the school financial loss.

At 14, I started learning JavaScript and Python but had to focus on my high school final exams and didn't work on many projects. By the time I was 17, I created my first website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I also got a domain name and hosted the website. I am proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python, and have worked with frameworks like ReactJS, NodeJS, and Django. I have some knowledge of databases, including MySQL and MongoDB.

In 2022, I focused more on cybersecurity and networking, using software such as Kali Linux, Cisco Packet Tracer, and Microsoft Azure, among others. Although I have not used any specific cybersecurity hardware, I am aware that we will be using hardware such as Raspberry Pi and dongles during our penetration testing module. We will also be working with software like Linux, Ubuntu, Wireshark, Azure, Kubernetes, and more.

These tools will be particularly helpful in our cybersecurity activities, as many tasks are performed on the command line, and Linux is a preferred platform for this purpose. Additionally, Azure will be useful in our secure coding sessions, as it will provide hands-on experience with secure coding and vulnerability libraries.
