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Academic Paper Summary - Ethical Hacking


This academic journal is an excerpt from a research article on ethical hacking methodologies by Ashraf. M (2021). The article explores the concept and practice of ethical hacking, which is a form of hacking that aims to improve the security of networks without causing harm. The article reviews different ethical hacking techniques and tools, such as penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, password cracking, network sniffing, and malware analysis. It compares them based on their principles and mechanisms, such as black-box testing, white-box testing, grey-box testing, active scanning, passive scanning, brute-force attack, dictionary attack, rainbow table attack, packet capture, packet injection, and reverse engineering. The article also provides a graphical and score-based analysis of the tools based on their effectiveness, efficiency, accuracy, and usability. It suggests how to choose the best tool for a specific scenario based on the criteria and constraints. The article is published in the year 2021 at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University International Conference on Computing (MAJICC). 


Ashra, M., Zahra, A., Asif, M., Ahmad, B., and Zafar, S. (2021) "Ethical Hacking Methodologies: A Comparative Analysis," Mohammad Ali Jinnah University International Conference on Computing (MAJICC) pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/MAJICC53071.2021.9526243.
