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Case Study - Introduction




The field of cybersecurity is continually developing, with organisations facing a lot of issues in safeguarding their digital assets against unwanted attacks. Ethical hacking, often known as penetration testing or white-hat hacking, is crucial in uncovering weaknesses and boosting these organisations' security posture. This case study dives into a real-world scenario presented in the book "Cyber Security: Case Study," in which ethical hacking was used to examine and improve a company's cybersecurity procedures.

In today's linked world, organisations must be proactive in protecting sensitive information and retaining stakeholder confidence. Ethical hacking is a methodical and controlled way of finding possible flaws in a company's infrastructure, applications, and systems. Ethical hackers can identify vulnerabilities that malicious actors could exploit by modelling real-world attack situations. This method enables organisations to repair vulnerabilities before they may be exploited for malicious reasons, reducing the risk of data breaches, financial losses, and reputational harm.

The case study in "Cyber Security: Case Study" provides a thorough examination of the actual application of ethical hacking. It gives significant insights into the process of selecting an ethical hacking team, establishing the scope of the engagement, and conducting the assessment using various tools and approaches. Readers may obtain a better grasp of the necessity of ethical hacking in enhancing cybersecurity defences and protecting important assets by comprehending the background and significance of this case study.


PWC (2019). Cyber Security Case Study. Retrieved from [Accesed on 6th May 2023]
