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These data show that 55.6% of the respondent have an idea of what ethical hacking is. It also shows that there's a fair distribution between expertise levels in ethical hacking. 

Furthermore, we can also figure that about 55.6% of the respondent feel ethical hacking should be legally regulated, 33.3% do not think so and 11.1% are unsure.

This data also tells us that 33.3% of respondents feel hackers should get permission from individuals and businesses before carrying out an ethical attack on them, while 11.1% don't think so and 33.3% are unsure. 

Also, most of the respondents which are about 44.4% believe that ethical hacking should be limited to authorized testing scenarios rather than hacking without restrictions while 22.2% belive otherwise and 33.3% are unsure.

In addition, about 77.8% believe hackers who deliberately disrupt services should face legal consequences, while 11.1% don't feel so and another 11.1% are unsure.

Finally, about 77.8% of respondents enjoyed the questionnaire and felt it was worth their time.
