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Initial Project Plan(Gantt Chart Update)

 BEFORE CONTINOUS ASSESSMENT AFTER CONTINOUS ASSESSMENT I used the Gantt chart above to plan and monitor all the blogs I had to write for this module. It was a rewarding experience to explore these topics and share my insights with you. The chart also helped me stay focused and motivated by showing me my progress and achievements. REFERENCE [Accessed Date: 4th June 2023]
Recent posts

Academic Paper Summary - Ethical Hacking

  This academic journal is an excerpt from a research article on ethical hacking methodologies by Ashraf. M (2021). The article explores the concept and practice of ethical hacking, which is a form of hacking that aims to improve the security of networks without causing harm. The article reviews different ethical hacking techniques and tools, such as penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, password cracking, network sniffing, and malware analysis. It compares them based on their principles and mechanisms, such as black-box testing, white-box testing, grey-box testing, active scanning, passive scanning, brute-force attack, dictionary attack, rainbow table attack, packet capture, packet injection, and reverse engineering. The article also provides a graphical and score-based analysis of the tools based on their effectiveness, efficiency, accuracy, and usability. It suggests how to choose the best tool for a specific scenario based on the criteria and constraints. The article is pu

Case Study - Conclusion

Source: Conclusion In conclusion, the case study exemplifies the practical application of ethical hacking to strengthen cybersecurity. The systematic methodology employed enabled the identification of vulnerabilities, risk assessment, and proposed improvements. The study highlights the significance of ethical hacking in preemptively identifying weaknesses and emphasizes the importance of comprehensive assessments, including technical and social engineering aspects while adhering to legal and ethical considerations. The findings provide valuable insights into the organization's security landscape, with identified vulnerabilities and suggested enhancements serving as a roadmap to bolster overall cybersecurity resilience.

Case Study - Discussion

  Source: Discussion The fourth post in this case study focuses on the discussion and analysis of the findings derived from the ethical hacking assessment. It examines the vulnerabilities discovered, the potential risks they pose to the organization, and the implications of these findings. The post explores the impact of the identified vulnerabilities on the organization's confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. It also evaluates the effectiveness of the existing security measures and identifies areas for improvement. Through this comprehensive discussion, readers gain a deeper understanding of the organization's security posture and the specific challenges addressed by the ethical hack

Case Study - Method

Source: Method The methodology employed in the case study described in the book "Cyber Security: Case Study" reflects a systematic and meticulous approach to ethical hacking. This section outlines the key steps and processes undertaken by the ethical hacking team to assess the organization's cybersecurity measures. The first step in the methodology involved the selection of a qualified and experienced ethical hacking team. The team's expertise in various aspects of cybersecurity, such as network security, web application security, and social engineering, ensured a comprehensive assessment across different attack vectors. Careful consideration was given to the team's certifications, qualifications, and track record of successful engagements

Case Study - Literature Review

Source: Literature Review This case study's second post delves into the literature surrounding ethical hacking and cybersecurity. It provides an overview of relevant theories, concepts, and research studies related to the field. The review highlights the importance of ethical hacking as a proactive approach to cybersecurity and emphasizes its potential to identify vulnerabilities, protect sensitive information, and mitigate risks. By examining previous works and studies, the post establishes a foundation of knowledge and understanding for comprehending the methodology and findings presented in the subsequent sections. REFERENCES PWC (2019). Cyber Security Case Study. Retrieved from

Case Study - Introduction

  Source: Introduction The field of cybersecurity is continually developing, with organisations facing a lot of issues in safeguarding their digital assets against unwanted attacks. Ethical hacking, often known as penetration testing or white-hat hacking, is crucial in uncovering weaknesses and boosting these organisations' security posture. This case study dives into a real-world scenario presented in the book "Cyber Security: Case Study," in which ethical hacking was used to examine and improve a company's cybersecurity procedures. In today's linked world, organisations must be proactive in protecting sensitive information and retaining stakeholder confidence. Ethical hacking is a methodical and controlled way of fin