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Showing posts from May, 2023

Academic Paper Summary - Ethical Hacking

  This academic journal is an excerpt from a research article on ethical hacking methodologies by Ashraf. M (2021). The article explores the concept and practice of ethical hacking, which is a form of hacking that aims to improve the security of networks without causing harm. The article reviews different ethical hacking techniques and tools, such as penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, password cracking, network sniffing, and malware analysis. It compares them based on their principles and mechanisms, such as black-box testing, white-box testing, grey-box testing, active scanning, passive scanning, brute-force attack, dictionary attack, rainbow table attack, packet capture, packet injection, and reverse engineering. The article also provides a graphical and score-based analysis of the tools based on their effectiveness, efficiency, accuracy, and usability. It suggests how to choose the best tool for a specific scenario based on the criteria and constraints. The article is pu

Case Study - Conclusion

Source: Conclusion In conclusion, the case study exemplifies the practical application of ethical hacking to strengthen cybersecurity. The systematic methodology employed enabled the identification of vulnerabilities, risk assessment, and proposed improvements. The study highlights the significance of ethical hacking in preemptively identifying weaknesses and emphasizes the importance of comprehensive assessments, including technical and social engineering aspects while adhering to legal and ethical considerations. The findings provide valuable insights into the organization's security landscape, with identified vulnerabilities and suggested enhancements serving as a roadmap to bolster overall cybersecurity resilience.

Case Study - Discussion

  Source: Discussion The fourth post in this case study focuses on the discussion and analysis of the findings derived from the ethical hacking assessment. It examines the vulnerabilities discovered, the potential risks they pose to the organization, and the implications of these findings. The post explores the impact of the identified vulnerabilities on the organization's confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. It also evaluates the effectiveness of the existing security measures and identifies areas for improvement. Through this comprehensive discussion, readers gain a deeper understanding of the organization's security posture and the specific challenges addressed by the ethical hack

Case Study - Method

Source: Method The methodology employed in the case study described in the book "Cyber Security: Case Study" reflects a systematic and meticulous approach to ethical hacking. This section outlines the key steps and processes undertaken by the ethical hacking team to assess the organization's cybersecurity measures. The first step in the methodology involved the selection of a qualified and experienced ethical hacking team. The team's expertise in various aspects of cybersecurity, such as network security, web application security, and social engineering, ensured a comprehensive assessment across different attack vectors. Careful consideration was given to the team's certifications, qualifications, and track record of successful engagements

Case Study - Literature Review

Source: Literature Review This case study's second post delves into the literature surrounding ethical hacking and cybersecurity. It provides an overview of relevant theories, concepts, and research studies related to the field. The review highlights the importance of ethical hacking as a proactive approach to cybersecurity and emphasizes its potential to identify vulnerabilities, protect sensitive information, and mitigate risks. By examining previous works and studies, the post establishes a foundation of knowledge and understanding for comprehending the methodology and findings presented in the subsequent sections. REFERENCES PWC (2019). Cyber Security Case Study. Retrieved from

Case Study - Introduction

  Source: Introduction The field of cybersecurity is continually developing, with organisations facing a lot of issues in safeguarding their digital assets against unwanted attacks. Ethical hacking, often known as penetration testing or white-hat hacking, is crucial in uncovering weaknesses and boosting these organisations' security posture. This case study dives into a real-world scenario presented in the book "Cyber Security: Case Study," in which ethical hacking was used to examine and improve a company's cybersecurity procedures. In today's linked world, organisations must be proactive in protecting sensitive information and retaining stakeholder confidence. Ethical hacking is a methodical and controlled way of fin

Models and Methodologies

Source: Today would be on the ethical methodologies used in carrying out an ethical hack/attack. In every sector, there are models, ethics and procedures from law to medicine and so is the case in cybersecurity and particularly ethical hacking. There are steps an ethical hacker needs to follow because we are ethical people backed by the law to do what we do so. The processes are a six-step industry standard process which is:  1. Reconnaissance Upon receiving explicit and contractual consent from the organization, the reconnaissance portion of the hacking process can begin. This involves collecting as much information as possible about the “target” using the various tools at the hacker’s disposal, including the company website, internet research, and even social engineering. These are all similar to the types of behaviours that a malicious hacker would engage in when attempting to breach an organization. 2

Software (Example) - Kali Linux

Now I would be showing an example of how to use Kali Linux. Kali Linux is mainly a command-line OS so what you can see down here is a terminal which is where you enter the commands. There is an example of a command I entered in the terminal contained in the YELLOW BOX  the purpose of the command is to change the user from user perfect to user root which is an admin user with all access. The area contained in a RED BOX tells you the current user mode you are in and your current directory. Now to File , when you click on the files button as shown below it brings many options to choose from like open a new tab, close the tab or quit. The next is Actions , when you click on the actions button it also brings options like clear active terminal, find, split terminal horizontally or vertically, and so on. The next is Edit , which allows you to choose from options like copy, paste and zoom. Although all these can be done with command shortcuts these are alternatives. The View button, as sho

Software (Evaluation-Functionalities) - Kali Linux

  Kali Linux, primarily a command-line-based operating system, does not have a traditional "home window." However, it offers a lightweight graphical user interface called XFCE, providing a familiar desktop environment with access to the user's personal files and folders. In XFCE, users can navigate, manage, and perform file operations on their files, as well as launch applications from the desktop or application menu. Nevertheless, Kali Linux's strength lies in its command-line interface and extensive suite of security tools, which security professionals and penetration testers predominantly utilize. The area contained in the  RED BOX is the applications menu similar to the start bar in Microsoft. In this menu window, you have a graphical view of the apps available on the OS and can open them with a click. In the area contained in the YELLOW BOX are the control bar, power button and time display. In this area, you can turn off the computer, control the volume and bri

Software (Overview) - Kali Linux

    Kali Linux. What type of software is it? I would be talking about a software called Kali Linux which is highly useful software in ethical hacking. Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution specifically designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. It is a specialized operating system built for security professionals and enthusiasts which makes it a system software. What is the general purpose of the software? The general purpose of Kali Linux is to provide a comprehensive platform for conducting penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, digital forensics, and security auditing. It offers a wide range of tools and utilities that aid in analysing systems for potential vulnerabilities and identifying security weaknesses. What is its application area? The primary application area of Kali Linux is in the field of cybersecurity. It is used by security professionals, ethical hackers, and penetrat


  These data show that 55.6% of the respondent have an idea of what ethical hacking is. It also shows that there's a fair distribution between expertise levels in ethical hacking.  Furthermore, we can also figure that about 55.6% of the respondent feel ethical hacking should be legally regulated, 33.3% do not think so and 11.1% are unsure. This data also tells us that 33.3% of respondents feel hackers should get permission from individuals and businesses before carrying out an ethical attack on them, while 11.1% don't think so and 33.3% are unsure.  Also, most of the respondents which are about 44.4% believe that ethical hacking should be limited to authorized testing scenarios rather than hacking without restrictions while 22.2% belive otherwise and 33.3% are unsure. In addition, about 77.8% believe hackers who deliberately disrupt services should face legal consequences, while 11.1% don't feel so and another 11.1% are unsure. Finally, about 77.8% of respondents enjoyed th

Primary Research (General Questions Analysis)

This is the link to the questionnaire The aim of these questions was to: 1. Know the user's knowledge level in ethical hacking 2. Get their stance on authorized hacking 3. Know their stance on legal implications for ethical hackers 4. Their review of the survey

Primary Research (Demographic Questions Analysis)

This is the link to the questionnaire The first two questions are demographic questions which were aimed to know the respondent's gender and age group, which would tell us the percentage who are male, female and age bracket. So the data representing shows that about 55.6% of the 9 responses were by men and 44.4% by women. It also shows that 77.8% of the respondents are between the ages of 18 to 24 while 22.2% were 35 and above.

Diagram 2 -

  This is another image created by me which is used to depict computer security in other words cybersecurity. REFERENCE Accessed at: [Accessed Date: 3rd May 2023]

Diagram 1 -

  This is a diagram to depict the methodology involved in ethical hacking. It was created by me using REFERENCE Accessed at: [Accessed Date: 3rd May 2023]